
Qualifications: Bachelor of Physiotherapy & Exercise Science

Where did you obtain your degree? Griffith University, Gold Coast

Area of Specialty: Slow stream nuero-rehabilitation and in-home geriatric rehabilitation

What do you do for fun? Yoga/pilates, building our dream home, spending time with my family, dogs and pig

Something that most people don’t know about you (but do now!):  can’t ride a bike

And just for fun….

Tea or coffee? Tea

Dogs or cats? Dogs

If you were a vegetable, what would you be and why? An eggplant- they’re purple!

Nikki is one of our senior physiotherapists with over 12 years working in community, rehabilitation, and private practice. She graduated some years ago from Griffith University here on the amazing Gold Coast and hasn’t looked back since.

Nikki loves working with our elderly community in their homes to achieve their goals and improve their quality of life. She loves a good joke and her favourite clients are the 90+ crowd with a little cheek! You’ll mostly find Nikki zipping around the Gold Coast and Northern New South Wales regions but sometimes she comes into the clinic to play with the rest of the team.

She is kept busy with her dogs Barkley and Charlie and her pig Antonio who loves a little leftover pumpkin!