
Qualifications: Life skills​

Where did you obtain your degree? From the school of hard knocks:)​

Area of Specialty: communication​

What do you do for fun? Catching up with friends, travelling​

Something that most people don’t know about you (but do now!): blue is my favourite colour.​

And just for fun….​

Tea or coffee? Coffee​

Dogs or cats? Dogs​

If you were a vegetable, what would you be and why? A beetroot – fresh and vibrant

Melissa is a member of our amazing front desk team. She will greet you with a smile and loves to catch up with our regulars to see what they’ve been up to since they’ve been in last!

Mel has been working in the health industry for more years than she’s willing to tell us about! And has experience in managing teams, running dental practices and being an account manager. Her greatest challenge yet has been keeping Sarah and the team running on time!

Mel has been a beautiful Gold Coast local for years and when she’s not keeping us all laughing at the clinic, she can be found zooming along the Gold Coast Waterways on her Jetski or paddling on her SUP. She loves morning walks to the beach and you’ll see her powering along the footpaths as the sun rises.